Maintaining consistent production output can be a challenge as oil and gas reservoirs age. Over time, natural reservoir pressure diminishes, causing a decrease in production rates which impacts the economic viability of older wells and the value of proved reserves. When the natural drive of a well is no longer sufficient to bring liquids to the surface, artificial lift methods become indispensable. Among these methods, gas lift stands out as a cost-effective and efficient solution.

Gas lift is an artificial lift system where natural gas is injected into the well casing to assist in lifting liquids to the surface through the production tubing. Gas lift is employed when reservoir pressure declines, water cuts increase and gas-to-oil ratios (GORs) change over time. Gas lift systems provide operators with an effective and economical means of optimizing production in a wide range of well configurations, whether they are shallow or deep, vertical or horizontal.

Benefits of Gas Lift

Gas lift has several advantages that make it a preferred choice for artificial lift operations:

  1. Low Operating Costs: Gas lift systems often use the natural gas produced from the well as fuel for compressors used to inject gas back into the reservoir, commonly referred to as “lease use” gas. This usually results in lower operating costs compared to other artificial lift methods.
  2. Minimal Downhole Equipment: Unlike some other artificial lift systems, gas lift does not require the installation and maintenance of additional downhole equipment such as submersible pumps or rods. A downhole gas lift valve and compressor are typically all that is required. This simplicity translates to reduced capital outlays for equipment and maintenance expenses.
  3. Easier Maintenance: Gas lift systems have fewer moving parts than other artificial lift methods, leading to less wear and tear. There is no risk of a broken rod downhole, eliminating the need for a workover rig to fix it. This simplicity keeps repair costs relatively low.
  4. Ease of Replacement: When flow conditions change, the gas lift valve can be replaced cost-effectively without the need for a workover rig, minimizing downtime.

Sweet Gas Buyback

One challenge in gas lift operations arises when there isn’t enough natural gas produced at the well site for use in the system, or if the produced gas is contaminated with impurities like hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Gas contaminated with H2S, commonly referred to as sour gas, poses significant challenges to system integrity and human health, making it unsuitable for gas lift operations.

In these scenarios, operators often resort to purchasing “sweet gas,” usually from their midstream partner, to fulfill their gas lift requirements, a practice known as “sweet gas buyback.” Depending on the prevailing price of natural gas, however, sweet gas buyback may be prohibitively expensive.

Fuel Gas Conditioning – Dealing with H2S

As a highly corrosive and toxic gas, H2S must be effectively removed before it can be safely used in gas lift operations. Operators with sour gas operations can avoid the expense of buying back sweet gas by treating H2S on-site. This approach not only ensures a reliable source of gas for gas lift operations but can also lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.

In areas where midstream H2S treating capacity and sour takeaway is limited, on-site sour gas treatment can remove this constraint, providing the additional advantage of using the treated gas for gas lift. Even if adequate sour gas takeaway capacity exists, on-site H2S treatment reduces or can even eliminate the expense of sour gas takeaway.

Traditionally, sour gas has been treated using various methods, such as amine gas sweetening or scavengers. These methods, while somewhat effective, have drawbacks in terms of cost, environmental impact, and operational complexity.

READ MORE: Gas Sweetening | A Comparison Guide

Next Generation Liquid Redox (VALKYRIE®)

A promising solution for treating H2S in gas lift operations is the use of Next Generation Liquid Redox, which is the basis for our VALKYRIE H2S treating technology. This innovative approach offers several benefits over traditional methods:

  1. Reduced Expense of Sweet Gas Buyback: VALKYRIE technology enables on-site treatment of sour gas, reducing or eliminating the need for expensive sweet gas buyback.
  • Reduced Expenses Associated with Sour Gas Takeaway: Operators can reduce expenses related to sour gas takeaway paid to midstream partners, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly Chemicals: VALKYRIE technology employs non-toxic and environmentally friendly chemicals, minimizing harm to the environment and ensuring the safety of workers.
  • Turnkey Solution: Streamline handles all chemicals, maintenance, operations, and sulfur removal, taking away what is traditionally an operations headache for our customers.  We do this with 99+% operational uptime.
  • No Harmful Byproducts: The VALKYRIE treatment process produces no harmful byproducts, further contributing to its environmental sustainability.
  • Recyclability or Reusability: Many VALKYRIE systems allow for the recycling or reuse of chemicals, reducing waste and enhancing cost-effectiveness.

Leading operators like Chevron and Franklin Mountain Energy have been using VALKYRIE technology for years for effective H2S removal.

LEARN MORE: VALKYRIE Technology for Gas Sweetening and H2S Removal


Gas lift is a valuable artificial lift method for optimizing production in oil and gas wells. It offers numerous benefits, including low operating costs, minimal downhole equipment requirements, ease of maintenance and versatility. However, in cases where sour gas is present the expense of buying back sweet gas can pose challenges.

The use of advanced sour gas treatment technologies like VALKYRIE units offer operators a green solution for sour gas sweetening that not only ensures a reliable source of gas for gas lift but also reduces costs, minimizes environmental impact and enhances safety. Embracing these innovative technologies can lead to more efficient and sustainable gas lift operations in the oil and gas industry.

Contact us today to learn more about Next Generation Liquid Redox H2S treating technology and determine if the VALKYRIE system is right for your operation.


Jacob Pratt
SVP – Sales
Streamline Innovations, Inc.

About Streamline Innovations

Streamline Innovation’s vision is Eliminating Emissions Through Technology.  We help heavy industry around the world achieve environmental performance objectives, improve sustainability, and transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.

H2S is present in almost every industrial process in the world.  Our technology can be applied across industries, delivering a sustainable solution that eliminates H2S, the leading cause of acid rain, a deadly greenhouse gases dangerous for work and living environments.

Streamline believes that achieving the E (“Environmental”) in ESG requires data. Creating intelligent systems that operate effectively and efficiently without human intervention is critical to reducing emissions that harm the environment.   We integrate advanced data collection, process control, and analytics in our technologies to provide a total solution for customers.

We serve organizations in multiple sectors, including Energy/Oil & Gas, Biogas, Landfill Gas & Renewable Fuels, Municipal Wastewater and Industrial Air & Water.